I teach WOMEN healthy rituals to slay LIFE and look good doing it!

Aging is a privilege, feeling old is a decision.

I teach WOMEN healthy rituals to slay LIFE and look good doing it!

Aging is a privilege, feeling old is a decision.

About Me

Hi! My name is Kim! I am a proud mother to two teenage boys who are soon to be Division 1 athletes and I turned 50 last year. I’m a HUGE Philadelphia eagles fan, avid reader, Law and Order marathon watcher and introvert. When I hit 40, I suddenly felt lost, lonely and deeply unhappy even though on the outside it seemed Pinterest perfect and I checked all the boxes of a successful life which brings with it another level of shame for having the audacity to still be unhappy. After writing my bucket list and all the things we women do when we turn 40, I seemed to not be getting any closer to the life I wanted to live. I happened to find my true calling by asking for HELP. A strong, confident and happy woman appeared on my fb newsfeed and I decided to do whatever this woman was doing because she had everything I so desperately wanted. Committing to my health goals in a consistent manner with full accountability for my actions by a solid group of like minded women helped me find my voice, my identity, my confidence and my calling.

By setting my own goals and keeping promises to myself

I had reason to be confident and trust in myself in ways I had never experienced. It lit a fire in me to go find every woman who felt like I did and make them aware it’s not too late to develop a life that feels authentically theirs.

The best way to find value in your own life is by sharing and serving others. It’s simply what I focused on in building an incredible business instead of overthinking the steps to building it. It really is the decision to just feel called to do it and find the how along the way. I took massive action and in ten years have accomplished all the major goals in my industry. That one decision to be a business owner to go from a stay at home mom with two little boys to a business owner created the woman I am today and every aspect as how I show up in the world as a mom, a friend and a leader.

It’s my passion and joy to put these same tools in your hands to take control of YOUR life. Your ability to make a promise to yourself and show up and keep it may appear small but in reality leads to so many big changes. This community I have built over the course of ten years is full of the realest and most solid women to cheer you on as you grow. If I can empower you to know its all within reach and let you borrow my belief in you as you develop your own I will have been blessed by the opportunity.

In this e-Book, you have all the nutrition and exercise tips and tricks that will help you lose the menopause weight!

Work with Me!

Are you ready to be the next Fitspire Empire Coach?? Find out how you can build a business with health and fitness at the core!

I run an online support group to help you get results with your workout programs and your nutrition! We meet you where you are and help you get to where you're trying to go!

We are always looking for new members to share their health and fitness goals – and let's be honest, when other people hold us ACCOUNTABLE we always do better, right? Click here to become part of my NEXT Challenge Group!

Copyright 2021 by Kim Rosa-Lima| Designed by: SheReignsCreative